Do You Need to See a Periodontist? Here’s How You’ll Know

Do You Need to See a Periodontist? Here's How You'll Know

Many people often ignore the symptoms of gum disease for as long as they can, and will do so until they experience severe pain in their mouth or if they notice a tooth becoming loose. While it’s easy to dismiss bleeding when you brush your teeth, it is actually something you need to take seriously – especially if it’s becoming increasingly frequent. Montreal periodontists suggest scheduling an appointment with a dentist when you notice bleeding in your gums, to prevent any existing problems from developing further.

How does periodontal disease occur?

Periodontal disease starts with poor oral hygiene habits, as plaque can be easily removed when you brush and floss your teeth daily. However, some people do not brush and floss regularly, allowing plaque to harden and becomes tartar. This will harbor bacteria along the gum line and in between teeth, and will eventually lead to receding gums without intervention. Eventually, the receding gums will leave the root of the tooth exposed, unprotected from more plaque and tartar. This becomes a cycle until the tooth weakens, and tooth loss results. This is already an advanced stage of periodontal disease, and there are many things that can be done to prevent it from reaching this point.

When should I see a periodontist?

The advanced stages of gum disease can still be treated and receding gums can be corrected, but treatment at this point may be a bit costly. This is why the best way to combat periodontal disease is to catch and treat it early by going to a periodontist, and seeking their advice.

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There are early signs of gum disease that you could watch out for, allowing you to stop it in its tracks before it has the opportunity to destroy your gum tissue. Here are the most common signs and symptoms:

Red, swollen, or bleeding gums – Healthy gums are coral pink in color, so if you notice that your gums are suddenly red and oversensitive that they bleed even with the lightest touch, they are likely telling you that they are being attacked by harmful bacteria.

Receding gums – If you think your teeth are getting longer, it’s not – it’s just your gums pulling away, showing more of your teeth that they’re supposed to be covering. This is a clear sign that something is wrong. There may also be deep pockets in between teeth and gums where plaque and tartar have accumulated.

Bad breath – All of a sudden, you have bad breath. And no matter how much you brush and how often you gargle with a mouthwash, it doesn’t go away. This is because it’s the bacteria buildup that’s producing the foul smell.

  • Teeth becoming loose.
  • Your teeth and gums are painful when eating/biting down on food.
  • Your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold food or beverage.
  • Family history of gum disease.
  • You are/were a smoker.
  • You have diabetes.

You’re over the age of 30 and have never had an evaluation by a periodontist.

Gum disease is not a joke. Find one of the best Montreal periodontists now and stop it from possibly taking over your life, and allow yourself the best chances of a high standard of dental hygiene.

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